Is there a dance tonight?
If you are asking on a Sunday – YES!  The only exceptions being for freezing rain, Christmas Eve/Day, or New Year’s Eve/Day.

If we ever cancel one of our events, that information will be clearly written on the page of our website that corresponds to that event.

No partner? No problem!
You do not need to bring a partner unless specifically noted. That said, you are welcome to bring family and friends.

We will rotate partners so everyone gets to dance and meet new people. This is also a great way to dance with people who have a little more experience. …it’s fun!
If you can’t stand the idea of changing partners during group lessons, please help the people around you to move to the next person in the rotation.

What kind of swing is this?
East Coast/6-Count Swing (ECS), Lindy Hop, Charleston, Balboa and Collegiate Shag.

You might occasionally hear a song that would work for Foxtrot, West Coast Swing (WCS), etc.

Who can attend?
Pretty much anyone!! There is no age limit and we don’t currently offer any classes where “flipping” or anything “too crazy” is involved.

The Crash Course at Sunday Swing is open to people with no experience and to those looking for a brush up on the basics.
Our other lessons have required prerequisites or need instructor approval.

Wear comfortable shoes with flat, slick soles that stay on your feet and don’t leave marks on the floor.

Do not put tape, wax or powder on your shoes- they destroy the beautiful wood floors we dance on.
The best shoes for Swing dancing have hard leather or suede leather soles. You can purchase shoes
that way, pay a cobbler to re-sole your shoes or add sued to relatively smooth soled shoes yourself.
For Balboa lessons a short (1- 1 1/2 inch) heel can be advantageous for followers.

What to wear?
Mostly anything that’s all ages appropriate. However, if your dance attire causes other people to be uncomfortable, they may choose to decline to dance with you.
You may want to think about where people will be resting their hands (ie. your arm/shoulder or back) and consider a layer of fabric.
For example, a lead may want to wear at least a short sleeve and a follow may want to wear a top that covers the upper back.
Silky fabric can also be a little challenging to partner dance in.

Jeans and t-shirts are fine but many people enjoy dressing nicer than their every day attire for dances.
For themed nights, there may be suggestions (not requirements) for attire based on each theme.
For additional tips, see our Etiquette page.

How to improve?
Dance frequently; with as many different people as possible and take advantage of as many lessons as you can.

Gift certificates?
Yes, we have nice gift certificates available upon request!

You are welcome and encouraged to document and share your social dancing fun by taking photos and videos

but please be respectful of others wishes if they are less enthusiastic about being on camera.

Will I look silly?
Probably a little, maybe a lot but everyone in the room will be doing the same thing you will be doing so let’s look a little silly together.

Have more questions?
Contact Mindy directly and she will get back to you ASAP. Tip- since Mindy is the one you’re contacting,

keep in mind that she can’t easily reply while teaching or actively running events;)

—NOTE— Dances & Lessons are non-refundable/transferable.