Partner Charleston 1

“Charleston, Charleston, gee how you can shuffle; every step you do, leads to something new. Man I’m telling you, it’s a lapazoo!” -Song lyrics to “The Charleston” by Jimmy Johnson
In this lesson, we teach 3 separate forms of partner Charleston, how to combine them and mix them with what you already know. You’ll experience a taste of 1920’s Charleston (face to face & upright), Charleston Break (face to face & stretchy) & 1930’s Charleston (side by side & low). Plus an instructor demo. Lesson content may vary slightly to best meet
the needs of the people in attendance.
Prerequisites: Beginners Getting Serious 1
or instructor approval.
Sunday, October 8th, 2023
6:30-7:30pm for $15
Norse Hall 111 NE 11th Ave. Portland, OR 97232